

单词 below
释义 belowbelowbelow /bɪˈləʊ $ -ˈloʊ/ adverb, preposition1 in a lower place or position than someone or something else OPP above: Jake lives in the apartment below.live杰克住在下面的公寓里。fish that feed just below the surface of the water就在水面以下觅食的鱼儿2less than a particular number or amount OPP over: Anything below £500 would be a good price.will只要低于 500 英镑都是合算的。The temperature was well below zero.be气温在零下好几度。3on a later page or lower on the same page OPP above: For more information, see below.详情请见下文。4lower in rank: Is a captain below a general?be上尉是不是在上将之下?THESAURUS: belowunder below or at a lower level than something, or covered by something: The shoes were under her bed.shoebeHe was wearing a jacket under his coat.bewearbelow in a lower position than something else, though not always directly under it: From the cliffs we could see the people on the beach below us.cliffcanunderneath directly under something, or covered by another thing: The mechanic got down and looked underneath the car.getlookThere are several pipes underneath the floor.bepipebeneath formal under or at a lower level: They lay on the ground beneath the ash tree.liegrindThe people lived beneath the shadow of the mountain.live




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