

单词 acquaintance
释义 acquaintanceacquaintancesacquaintanceacquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/ noun [countable] someone you know, but do not know wellPhrasesmake sb’s acquaintance formal to meet someone for the first time: I would be delighted to make Mrs McGough’s acquaintance.willdelight我很高兴能认识麦高夫太太。THESAURUS: acquaintancefriend someone who you know well and enjoy spending time with: I invited all my friends to the party.invitefriendacquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/ someone who you know and see sometimes, but who is not one of your close friends: He’s more of an acquaintance than a friend.mate British English informal, buddy American English informal a friend – used about boys or men: He’s playing football with his mates.playmatemy dad’s army buddiesbuddyYou’re my best mate.wellcompanion especially written a person or animal that you spend a lot of time with: travelling companionstravelcompanionDogs make good companions.dogcompanionthe perfect companioncrony [usually plural] disapproving a friend – used especially about powerful people who will help each other, often in a dishonest way: The mayor gave the best jobs to his cronies.givewelljobcrony




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