

单词 request
释义 requestrequestsrequestedrequestingrequestrequest2 verb [transitive] to ask for something officially or formally: The pilot requested permission to land.request飞机驾驶员请求准许降落。request thatWe request that everyone remain quiet. 我们要求所有人保持安静。request somebody to do somethingAll club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.memberberequestmeet 俱乐部全体会员均须出席年会。THESAURUS: requestto ask for somethingask for sth to tell someone that you want them to give you something: I went to the bank and asked for a loan.goaskorder to ask for food or drink in a restaurant, or to ask a company to send you goods: Daniel ordered another bottle of wine.orderYou can order direct from their website.apply to ask formally for a job, a place at a university etc by writing to someone or completing a form: Which universities have you applied to?universityapplyrequest formal to ask for something, especially official permission to do something: The pilot requested permission to land.requestWe have been unable to find the information that you requested from us.berequestdemand to ask for something in a firm or angry way: Angry parents are demanding an explanation.parentbedemandbeg to ask for something that you want or need very much, in an urgent way: He begged me to stay.begplead to ask someone to do something in a way that shows you will be very unhappy if they do not do what you want: She pleaded with them not to tell her father.pleadnag to keep asking someone for something, in an annoying way: My parents are always nagging me to clean my room.parentbenag




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