

单词 right
释义 rightrightright2 adverb1exactly exactly in a particular positionright in/in front of/by etcShe was standing right in the middle of the room.bestand 她就站在房间的正中央。right here/thereI left my bags right here.leavebag 我把包就放在这里的。2immediately immediatelyright afterThe show is on right after the news.be 新闻结束后节目马上开始。right now/away (=now or immediately)I’ll phone him right away. 我马上就给他打电话。I’m sorry, I can’t talk to you right now.抱歉﹐我这会儿不能跟你讲话。I’ll be right with you/right there/right back (=used to ask someone to wait for a short time)THESAURUS immediately3not left towards the side nearest your right hand OPP left: Turn right at the traffic lights.light在红绿灯的地方向右拐。4well informal in a good or satisfactory way SYN well: Everything’s going right for him.go 他现在事事顺心。5correctly correctly OPP wrong: They didn’t spell my name right. 他们没有拼对我的名字。6completely right along/through/round etc all the way along, through etc: Go right to the end of the road. 这条路一直走到底。The bullet went right through the car door.go 子弹径直穿过车门。




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