

单词 ring
释义 ringringsrangringedrungringingringring2 verb (past tense rang /ræŋ/, past participle rung /rʌŋ/)1telephone sound [transitive] if a telephone rings, it makes a sound to show that someone is calling you: The phone hasn’t stopped ringing all day.stopring电话铃一整天响个不停。2bell a)[intransitive and transitive] if you ring a bell, you make it produce a sound: I rang the doorbell, but no one came.ringcome 我按了门铃﹐但没有人来。ring forThe sign said ‘Ring for service’.say 牌子上写着"需要服务请按铃"。 b)[transitive] if a bell rings, it makes a sound: I heard the church bells ringing.hearbellring 我听到教堂的钟声。3call somebody (also ring up) [intransitive and transitive] British English to telephone someone SYN phone, call: I rang you yesterday, but you weren’t in.ring 昨天我给你打过电话﹐但是你不在。I rang up and made an appointment.ringmake 我打电话约了时间。ring forSally rang for a taxi.ring 莎莉打电话叫计程车。4ears [transitive] if your ears ring, they are filled with a continuous sound after hearing something loud: The explosion made our ears ring.makeear 爆炸声震得我们耳朵嗡嗡响。Phrasesnot ring true if something does not ring true, you do not believe it: His excuse didn’t ring true.他的借口听上去不像是真的。ring a bell informal if something rings a bell, it seems familiar but you cannot remember exact details about it: Her name rings a bell, but I can’t remember her face.ring她的名字听着耳熟﹐但我想不起她的脸了。THESAURUS: ringphone to speak to someone using a telephone. Phone is used especially in British English: I’ll phone you tomorrow.call to phone someone. Call is used in both British and American English: One of the neighbours called the police.neighbourcallring to phone someone. Ring is used in informal British English: How often do you ring your parents?parenttelephone formal to phone someone: A lot of people telephoned the BBC to complain.telephonegive sb a call informal (also give sb a ring British English informal) to phone someone: If you ever come to Seattle, give me a call.I’ll give the hospital a ring and see how he is.bebe on the phone to be talking to someone using a telephone: Just a minute – I’m on the phone.Phrasal verbsring somebody back phrasal verb British English to telephone someone later SYN call back: I’m busy at the moment. Can I ring you back?我此刻很忙。 我再给你打电话好吗?ring off phrasal verb British English to end a telephone call: He rang off without giving his name.ringgive 他没留名字就把电话挂了。ring out phrasal verb written to make a loud and clear sound: The sound of a shot rang out.shootring传来一声响亮的枪声。




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