

单词 between
释义 betweenbetweenbetween /bɪˈtwiːn/ adverb, preposition1 (also in between) with one thing or person on each side: He sat between the two women on the sofa.sitwoman他坐在沙发上两个女人的中间。two houses with a narrow path in betweenhouse中间有一条狭窄小道的两栋房子2used to say that a place is in the middle with other places at a distance from it: Oxford is between London and Birmingham.be牛津位于伦敦和伯明翰之间。3used to say which two places are connected by something: They’re building a new road between Manchester and Sheffield.build他们正在曼彻斯特和谢菲尔德之间建一条新的公路。4 (also in between) after one event or time and before another: I didn’t see my parents at all between Christmas and Easter.parent从圣诞节到复活节我根本没见到父母亲。He had a year off between leaving school and going to university.haveleavego他从高中毕业到上大学中间歇了一年。I have a lesson at nine o’clock and another at three o’clock, but nothing in between.我九点有一节课﹐三点有另一节课﹐但中间没课。5used to show a range of amounts, by giving the largest and smallest: My journey to school takes between 30 and 40 minutes.takeminute我上学路上要花 30 分钟到 40 分钟。children aged between 7 and 11childage7 岁到 11 岁的儿童6used to show who is involved in a relationship, agreement, fight etc: The relationship between them has always been friendly.havebe他们之间的关系总是很友好的。an agreement between the company and the trade unionsunion公司和工会之间的协议the war between England and France英法战争7used to say that something is shared by each person in a group: Tom divided his money between his children.dividechild汤姆把他的钱分给了他的孩子。8used to say which two things or people you are comparing: the contrast between town and country life城市生活和农村生活的对比9if people have an amount of money between them, that is the total amount they have: We had ten dollars between us.havedollar我们加起来总共有十美元。 ➔ go-betweenWord Choice: between or among?You use between when there is one person or thing on each side of someone or something: I sat between Alex and Sarah.sit我坐在阿历克斯和萨拉中间。You use among when there are several people or things around someone or something: The hut was hidden among the trees.behidetree小屋隐藏在树林中。




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