

单词 river
释义 riverriversriverriver /ˈrɪvə $ -ər/ noun [countable] a long area of water that flows into a sea ➔ stream: the River Thames泰晤士河I went for a walk along the river.go 我沿着河边散步。We saw a group of boats sailing on the river.seeboatsail我们看见一队小船在河上行驶。COLLOCATIONS: riververbsa river runs/flowsA river runs through the town.runThe river flows west from the mountains.flowmountaina river winds (=has many curves)He could see the river winding across the plain.canwinda river narrows (=becomes narrower)The river narrows at this point.narrowa river floodsThere are fears that the river could flood.befearcana river dries upThe river dries up in the summer.dryto cross a riverWe looked for a safe place to cross the river.lookto go/sail down a riverThey sailed down the River Nile.sailadjectivesa wide/broad riverThe road continued across a wide river.continuea long riverThe Sacramento is the longest river in California.belonga swollen river (=containing more water than usual)After the rains, the river was swollen.rainbeswella river is high (=contains more water than usual)The river was high and running quite swiftly.berunTHESAURUS: riverriver a long area of water that flows into the sea: You can go on a boat trip down the river.the River Danubethe Mississippi riverstream a small narrow river: There was a small stream at the bottom of the garden.bea mountain streamtributary a river that flows into a larger river: The Jari River is a tributary of the Amazon.beestuary the wide part of a river where it goes into the sea: the Thames estuarybrook literary a small stream: His house was down the valley and over the brook.be




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