

单词 habit
释义 habithabitshabithabit /ˈhæbɪt/ noun1[uncountable and countable] something that you do regularly or usually, often without thinking about it because you have done it so many times before: Biting your nails is a very bad habit.bitenailbe咬手指甲是个很不好的习惯。out of habit/from habit (=because you have always done this in the past)After he left home, I was still cleaning his room out of habit.leavebeclean他离家后﹐我还是习惯性地打扫他的房间。be in the habit of doing somethingOn Friday evenings Carrie was in the habit of visiting her parents.eveningbevisitparent周五晚上嘉莉习惯了要去看望父母。2[countable] a strong physical need to keep taking a drug regularly: Drug users often find it very difficult to give up their habit.user吸毒者常会感到戒掉毒瘾非常困难。 ➔ force of habit at force1Phrasesbreak/change the habit of a lifetime to stop doing something you have done for many years: He broke the habit of a lifetime and came with us to the church.breakcome他打破多年的习惯,和我们一起去教堂做礼拜。COLLOCATIONS: habitverbsto have a habit (of doing something)He has a habit of being late.havebeShe had some funny habits.havehabitto get into a habit (=to start doing something regularly or often)I got into the habit of going to bed early.getgoto get out of a habit (=to stop doing something regularly or often)She couldn’t get out of the habit of saying ‘sorry’.sayto break/kick a habit (=to stop doing something that is bad for you)I’ve smoked for years, but I really want to kick the habit.smokeyearto change your habitsIt’s sometimes difficult for people to change their habits.habitadjectivesa bad habitMy sister has lots of bad habits.havelothabitan annoying habitHe had an annoying habit of interrupting people.haveannoyinterrupta strange/peculiar/odd habitSome people have very odd habits.habitsb’s personal habits (=the things someone normally does each day, especially relating to keeping clean)He had some rather disgusting personal habits.havedisgusthabitsb’s eating/viewing etc habits (=the kinds of things someone eats, watches on TV etc)You need to change your eating habits.eathabitParents find it hard to control their children’s viewing habits.parentchildviewhabit




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