

单词 etc.
释义 etc.etc.etc. /et ˈsetərə/ adverb (et cetera) used after a list to show that there are other similar things or people that you could add: information in the form of books, leaflets, videos etc.bookleafletvideo书﹑传单﹑录像带等形式的信息THESAURUS: etc.etc. used after a list to show that there are other similar things or people that you could add. Do not use etc. in essays or formal writing: You’ll need plenty of warm sweaters, socks, gloves etc.sweatersockgloveand so on spoken and other things of the same kind. Do not use and so on in essays and formal writing: We did a lot of walking, climbing, cycling and so on.dowalkclimbcyclesuch as used when giving a particular example of something: green vegetables such as broccolivegetableto name but a few used after a short list, when saying that there are many more things or people you could add: Italy has many beautiful cities – Venice, Florence, and Rome to name but a few.havecity




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