

单词 slip
释义 slipslipsslippedslippingslipslip1 /slɪp/ verb (past tense and past participle slipped, present participle slipping)1fall [transitive] if you slip, your feet move accidentally and you fall or almost fall: Be careful not to slip – I just mopped the floor.mop 当心别滑跤﹐我刚拖过地板。slip onJoan slipped on the ice and broke her ankle.slipbreak琼在冰上滑倒﹐跌断了脚踝。2go quietly [transitive] to go somewhere quickly and quietlyslip out of/away/through etcBen slipped quietly out of the room while his father was asleep.slipbe本趁他爸爸睡着时悄悄溜出了房间。No one saw Bill slip away when the police arrived.seearrive警察到达时没人看到比尔悄悄地溜走了。3put [transitive] to put something somewhere quietly or secretly SYN slideslip something into/around etc somethingAnn slipped the book into her bag.slip 安把书悄悄塞进包里。He slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her.slipkiss他悄悄地用手臂搂着她的腰并亲吻她。THESAURUS put4move accidentally [transitive] if something slips, it accidentally moves or falls: The knife slipped as he cut into the wood.slip 刀砍进那块木头时﹐从他手里滑脱了。slip off/down/from etcThe ring had slipped off Julia’s finger.haveslip戒指从朱莉娅的手指上滑脱了。5put on/take off [intransitive and transitive] to put on a piece of clothing or take it off quickly and easilyslip something off/onKen sat on the couch and slipped off his shoes.sitslipshoe 肯坐在长沙发上脱掉了鞋。slip into/out ofShe slipped into her pyjamas.slip她利落地穿上了睡衣。6get worse [transitive] to become worse or lower than before SYN fall: Standards in our schools have been slipping.standardschoolbeslip我们学校的水准一直下降。The mayor’s popularity is slipping.beslip这位市长的支持率在下滑。Phraseslet something slip informal to say something that is supposed to be a secret, without intending to: Don’t let it slip that I’m in town.当心别说出我到城里来了。slip your mind spoken if something slips your mind, you forget about it: I was supposed to meet her for lunch, but it completely slipped my mind.besupposeslip我本该和她碰头一起吃午饭的﹐但我把这事忘得一干二净。THESAURUS forgetTHESAURUS: slipfall (also fall over/down) to suddenly go down onto the ground when you are standing, walking etc: She fell and cut her knee.fallIt’s very slippery here. Careful you don’t fall over!collapse to suddenly fall down because you are very tired, weak, or ill: One of the runners collapsed during the race.runnercollapsetrip on/over sth to hit your foot against something, so that you fall or almost fall: He tripped over a rock and fell flat on his face.tripfallI tripped on a branch.tripslip to slide on a smooth or slippery surface, so that you fall or almost fall: Annie slipped on the ice and hurt her ankle.slipstumble to almost fall because you put your foot down in an awkward way: The ground was rough and I kept stumbling.grindbekeepstumblelose your balance to become unsteady and start to fall over: He lost his balance when he was on top of the ladder.losebeput to move something to a particular place: I’ve put your coat in the cupboard.Do you know where I put my keys?keyplace to put something in a particular position carefully: She placed the flowers in the centre of the table.placeflowerlay to put something or someone down carefully on a flat surface: Dad unfolded the map and laid it on the floor.unfoldlayShe laid the baby on the bed.layslip to put something somewhere with a quick movement: Lucy slipped the letter into her pocket, hoping no one would notice.sliphopewillHe slipped his arm around her waist.slipshove to put something into a space or container quickly or carelessly: They shoved all the rubbish in a black bag.shoveI’ve ironed those shirts so don’t just shove them in a drawer.ironshirtdump to put something down somewhere in a careless and untidy way: Don’t dump your dirty clothes on the floor.clothestick informal to put something somewhere quickly or carelessly: Just stick the bags in the cupboard.bagdip to put something in a liquid for a very short time and take it out again: Dip the vegetables in the sauce and put them in the pan.vegetableWe dipped our feet in the sea but it was freezing.dipfootbefreezedunk to put a piece of bread, cake etc into a hot drink or soup before eating it: He dunked his bread in his soup.dunkPhrasal verbsslip away phrasal verb if an opportunity to do something slips away, the situation changes and the opportunity no longer exists: This time, Radford did not let her chance slip away.do这一次雷德福没有错过机会。slip out phrasal verb if something slips out, you say it without intending to: Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that – it just slipped out.sayslip对不起﹐我不该说那事的 — 我说漏嘴了。slip up phrasal verb to make a mistake: He can’t afford to slip up again or he’ll be fired.fire他不能再出错了﹐否则会被开除的。




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