

单词 root
释义 rootrootsrootroot1 /ruːt/ noun [countable]1of a plant the part of a plant that grows under the ground and gets water from the soil: tree rootsroot树根Be careful not to break the roots.root 小心不要把根弄断。2of tooth/hair the part of a tooth, hair etc that is under the skin3origin roots [plural] the place where someone or something beganroots inJazz has roots in slave songs.haverootsong爵士乐起源于奴隶歌曲。sb’s roots (=the connection someone feels with the place where their family came from)She’s very proud of her Jamaican roots.root 她对自己的牙买加血统感到非常自豪。He enjoys returning to his roots.enjoyreturnroot他喜欢回到家乡。THESAURUS origin4cause the basic cause of a problemat/to the root of somethingReligion lies at the root of the conflict.lie 宗教问题是这次冲突的根源。A good mechanic will get to the root of the problem. 好的机械师会找到问题的根源。the root causes of crimecause犯罪的根本原因 ➔ grass roots, square rootTHESAURUS: rootorigin/origins the place, time, or situation in which something began to exist: What is the origin of the word ‘ecology’?bethe origins of modern scienceoriginsource the thing, place etc that you get something from: The Internet is a very useful source of information.beBeans are a good source of protein.beanberoot the root of a problem is its main cause. The roots of a belief, musical style etc are the ideas, styles etc that it was first based on: We need to get to the root of the problem.the roots of Christianityrootthe birthplace of sth the place where something first started to exist: New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz.beEthiopia, the birthplace of coffeePhrasestake root if something takes root, it starts to exist: Economic recovery is beginning to take root.bebegin经济正在开始复苏。




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