

单词 scramble
释义 scramblescramblesscrambledscramblingscramblescramble /ˈskræmbəl/ verb [transitive]1to quickly climb up or over something difficult, using your hands to help youscramble up/down/over etcThe kids were scrambling over the rocks.kidbescramblerock孩子们爬过岩石。2to move somewhere quickly, especially in order to compete with other people to get something: Mick scrambled to his feet (=stood up very quickly).scramblefoot米克连忙站了起来。scramble forEveryone was scrambling for shelter.bescramble人人都在赶紧找地方躲避。—scramblescramblesscramble noun [singular]: It was a tough scramble to the top.be 爬到顶真的很费劲。the usual scramble for the bathroom经常发生的抢用卫生间




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