

单词 sea
释义 seaseasseasea /siː/ noun [uncountable and countable]1 a large area of salty water: the Mediterranean Sea地中海We swam in the sea every day.swim我们每天都在海里游泳。I’ve always wanted to live by the sea.want 我一直想住在海边。at seaWe spent the next six weeks at sea.spendweek接下来的六周我们在海上航行。by seaIt’s cheaper to send goods by sea than by air.cheapgood 运输货物海运比空运便宜。out to seaThe small boat drifted out to sea.drift 这艘小船漂向大海。 ➔ see Word Choice at ocean2a sea of something a very large number of people or things: He stared at the sea of faces in front of him.stareface他凝视着眼前一张张面孔。Phrasesgo to sea to go to work on a ship: He went to sea when he was eighteen.gobe他18岁出海。be lost at sea formal to be drowned in the sea: His father had been lost at sea three months before.havebelosemonth他父亲三个月前丧生于海中。put to sea to sail a boat away from land: All the fishermen had put to sea.fishermanhave渔民们都已驾船出海。COLLOCATIONS: seaadjectivesthe blue seaThe beach had white sand and clear blue sea.havea calm seaThe weather was good and the sea was calm.bebea rough sea (=with big waves)Don’t go sailing if the sea is rough.sailbea choppy sea (=with a lot of small waves)The sea was a bit choppy and the boat kept moving up and down.bebitekeepmoveheavy seas (=a very rough sea)The boat sank in heavy seas.sinkseathe open sea (=sea that is far away from land)They set sail and headed for the open sea.headthe high seas literary (=the part of the sea that is far away from land)a tale of adventure on the high seasseathe deep sea (=the water deep under the surface of the sea)The deep sea is the most unexplored area left on the planet.beleavesea + nounsea waterSea water is too salty to drink.bethe sea air (=the air close to the sea)She breathed in the clean sea air.breathea sea viewI’d like a room with a sea view.THESAURUS: seathe sea especially British English the large area of salty water that covers most of the Earth’s surface: They live in a cottage overlooking the sea.overlookthe ocean especially American English the large area of salty water that covers most of the Earth’s surface: It was a huge fish caught from the ocean.becatchtide the regular rising and falling of the level of the sea. High tide is when the sea is at its highest level and low tide is when the sea is at its lowest level: The rocks are only visible at low tide.rockbewave a line of raised water that moves across the surface of the sea: The waves were crashing against the rocks.wavebecrashrock




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