

单词 sell
释义 sellsellssoldsellingsellsell1 /sel/ verb (past tense and past participle sold /səʊld $ soʊld/)1[intransitive and transitive] to give something to someone and accept money from them for it ➔ buysell something for £100/$50/30p etcHe sold his car for £5,000.sell他把汽车卖了 5000 英镑。sell something to somebodyI sold a ticket to Mary.sell 我把一张票卖给了玛丽。sell somebody somethingSally’s going to sell me her bike.go莎莉打算把她的自行车卖给我。He had to sell the business at a loss.have他不得不亏本出售企业。2[intransitive and transitive] to offer something for people to buy: Do you sell stamps?stamp你这儿有邮票卖吗?sell at/for £100/$50/30p etcThe T-shirts sell at £10 each.shirt这些 T 恤每件卖十英镑。3[transitive] to make someone want to buy something: Scandal sells newspapers.sellnewspaper有丑闻报纸就好卖。4[intransitive and transitive] to be bought by people: Her book sold millions of copies.sellcopy 她的书卖出了几百万本。sell well/badlyThese cakes are selling well.cakebesell这些蛋糕销路很好。5[transitive] to try to persuade someone to accept a new plan or ideasell something to somebodyWe have to sell the idea to the viewers.viewer我们必须让观众接受这个观点。6sell yourself to make yourself seem impressive to other people: If you want promotion, you’ve got to sell yourself better.getwell如果你想得到提升﹐就得更好地推销自己。Phrasal verbssell something ↔ off phrasal verb to sell goods quickly and cheaply: The library is selling off some of its old books.besellbook这家图书馆在廉价出售旧书。sell out phrasal verb1if a shop sells out of something, or if something sells out, the shop sells all of it and there is none lefthave/be sold outTickets for the show have sold out.ticketsell 这场演出的门票已经卖完了。sell out ofWe’ve sold out of bread.sell我们的面包已经售罄。2informal disapproving to do something against your beliefs in order to get money or some other advantage: ex-hippies who’ve sold out and become respectable businessmenhippysellbusinessman放弃原则成了有头有脸的商人的昔日嬉皮士sell up phrasal verb to sell your house or your business: Liz decided to sell up and move abroad.decide莉兹决定卖掉家产移居外国。




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