

单词 fit
释义 fitfitsfitfit3 noun1[countable] a short time during which you laugh or cough a lot, or become very angry, in a way that you cannot control: a coughing fitcough 一阵咳嗽a fit of rage一阵怒气2[countable] a short period of time when someone loses consciousness and cannot control their body because their brain is not working properly: an epileptic fit一次癫痫发作3be a good/tight/perfect etc fit to fit a person or a particular space well, tightly, perfectly etc: The skirt’s a perfect fit.这条裙子非常合身。Phraseshave/throw a fit informal to become very angry: If your mother finds out about this, she’ll have a fit.find要是你妈知道这件事﹐她会大发脾气的。




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