

单词 shut
释义 shutshutsshuttingshutshut1 /ʃʌt/ verb [intransitive and transitive] (past tense and past participle shut, present participle shutting)1if you shut something, or if it shuts, it closes: Would you mind shutting the window?willshut请你把窗关上好吗?I heard the door shut with a bang.hear 我听到门砰的一声关上了。Shut your eyes and go to sleep.eye 闭上眼睛睡觉。shut something/somebody in (something) (=close a door etc so that someone or something cannot get out)Are the dogs shut in?bedog狗被关起来了吗?He shut his finger in the door. 他手指被门夹住了。shut somebody/something out (=close a door etc so that someone or something cannot get in)Close the curtains to shut out the noise.curtain拉上窗帘挡住噪声。2British English if a shop, bank etc shuts, it stops being open to people SYN close: What time does the bank shut?do银行几点关门?Phrasal verbsshut somebody/something away phrasal verb to put someone or something in a place where other people cannot see them: He shut himself away in his office.他把自己关在办公室里。shut down phrasal verb if a company, factory, machine etc shuts down, or if you shut it down, it stops operating: Hundreds of local post offices have shut down.hundredoffice 数百家地方邮局关闭了。shut something ↔ downDid you shut the computer down?do你把电脑关掉了吗?shut off phrasal verb1to stop a machine or supply of something from working, or to stop working SYN turn offshut something ↔ offDon’t forget to shut the gas off.别忘记关掉煤气。2shut yourself off to deliberately avoid other peopleshut yourself off fromAfter her death, he shut himself off from the world.她去世后﹐他就不与外界接触了。shut (somebody) up phrasal verb informal to stop talking, or to make someone stop talking: Shut up a minute!闭一闭嘴!The chairman tried to shut us up.try主席想要我们住口。THESAURUS: shutclose to stop being open, or to make something stop being open: Do you mind if I close the window?Her eyes slowly closed.eyecloseshut to close something. Shut sometimes has the feeling of closing something quickly and firmly: The windows had all been shut.windowhavebeThe door suddenly shut with a loud bang.slam to close a door or lid quickly and noisily, especially because you are angry: ‘I’m not coming back!’ she said, slamming the door behind her.comesayslamI heard the car door slam.heardraw the curtains to close curtains by pulling them across a window: The curtains were all drawn, so I assumed they had gone to bed.curtainbedrawassumehavegoput the top/lid on sth to close a container by putting a top or lid onto it: He never puts the top back on the toothpaste.putDid you put the lid on the cookie jar?doseal to close something carefully and thoroughly, so that nothing and no one can get in or out. You also seal an envelope when you stick the edges down: Put the jam in clean jars and seal them carefully.jarThe tomb was sealed and hidden to protect it from robbers.besealhiderobberShe sealed the envelope and put it in the post.seal




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