

单词 silly
释义 sillysilliersilliestsillysilly /ˈsɪli/ adjective stupid or not sensible: What a silly question!多傻的问题!That was a silly thing to do, wasn’t it?be那件事干得可真蠢﹐对不对?Don’t be silly – it’s only a spider.别犯傻了﹐那只是一只蜘蛛而已。She makes a fuss about such silly little (=unimportant) things.makething她对这种小事大惊小怪的。—sillinesssillinessessilliness noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: sillystupid not very clever or intelligent – used when you are annoyed or when strongly criticizing someone’s behaviour: What a stupid question.silly a little stupid. Silly sounds much gentler than stupid: a silly mistakeDon’t be silly – it’s only a game!crazy not at all sensible or reasonable – used when you are very surprised by someone’s behaviour or what they have said: You’re going to jump out of a plane – are you crazy!gobea crazy idearidiculous extremely stupid: It’s ridiculous to spend so much money on a dress.Don’t be ridiculous!absurd/ludicrous extremely stupid – used especially when an idea or situation seems strange or illogical: How can a return ticket cost less than a single? It’s totally absurd!littlea ludicrous suggestion




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