

单词 since
释义 sincesincesince /sɪns/ linking word, preposition, adverb1from a particular time or event in the past until now, or in that period of time: I haven’t seen him since we left school.seeleave我们离开学校后﹐我就没有见过他。Jim’s been working at Citibank since last April.bework 吉姆从去年四月份开始就在花旗银行工作了。She phoned last week, but I haven’t heard from her since.phonehear 她上周来过电话﹐但此后我再没有她的消息。He left the US in 1995 and since then he’s lived in London.leavelive他 1995 年离开美国﹐自此以后就住在伦敦。We’ve had problems with the system ever since (=for all the time since) it was introduced.haveproblembeintroduce自从引进那套系统后﹐我们就一直遇到问题。2used to give a reason or explanation for something: I’ll do it myself since you’re obviously not going to help.go既然你显然不想帮忙﹐那我就自己来吧。Phrasessince when spoken used in questions to show that you are annoyed or surprised about something: Since when have you been such a computer expert?be你什么时候起成了电脑专家了?Word Choice: since or for? You use since with a date or time:We’ve lived here since 2006.live我们自2006年起就住在这里。I’ve been waiting since four o’clock.bewait我从4点钟就开始等了。You use for with a period of time: We’ve lived here for three years.liveyear我们住在这里三年了。I’ve been waiting for two hours.bewaithour我等了两个小时。 Do not say ‘We’ve lived here since three years.’ or ‘I’ve been waiting since two hours.’




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