

单词 term
释义 termtermstermterm1 /tɜːm $ tɜːrm/ noun [countable]1point of view in ... terms if you explain or think about something in particular terms or in terms of a particular thing, you explain or think about it from that point of view: A million years isn’t a very long time in geological terms.yearterm 从地质学角度来说﹐一百万年并不是很长的时间。What do these statistics mean in simple terms?statisticterm简单地讲这些统计数据是什么意思?In terms of profits, the project was a disaster.termprofitbe 从利润角度来说﹐这个项目是完全失败的。2technical word a word or phrase that has a particular technical or scientific meaninglegal/medical/technical termI don’t understand all the legal terms.term我不懂所有这些法律术语。THESAURUS word3rules terms [plural] the rules of an agreement: Sign here to say you agree to the terms and conditions.termcondition在此处签名说明你同意这些条款。4time period a fixed period of time during which someone does something or something happens: The President hopes to be elected for a second term.hopeelect总统希望能第二届任期连任当选。term ofthe maximum term of imprisonment监禁的最长期限5at school/university British English one of the periods of time that a school or university year is divided into ➔ half termPhrasescome to terms with something to understand and deal with a difficult situation: It was hard to come to terms with Marie’s death.beterm玛丽的死很难让人接受。in no uncertain terms in a direct and often angry way: I told him to leave in no uncertain terms.tellterm我直截了当地请他离开。in the long/short/medium term during a long, short, or middle-sized period from now ➔ long-term, short-term: Things don’t look good in the short term.thing短期内情况不乐观。be on good/bad/friendly etc terms (with somebody) to have a good, bad etc relationship with someone: We’re on good terms with our neighbours.termneighbour我们和邻居关系很好。be on speaking terms to be able to talk to someone and have a friendly relationship with them: We’re barely on speaking terms now.speakterm我们现在几乎互不理睬。THESAURUS: termword a separate group of letters or sounds that has a particular meaning: ‘Sayonara’ is the Japanese word for ’goodbye’.beI looked up the word in my dictionary.lookname a word that people use for a particular thing, place, organization etc: Do you know the name of this flower?The Big Apple is another name for New York.beterm a word or group of words that is used in a technical or scientific subject: The medical term for losing your hair is ‘alopecia’.losebeEvery profession or trade uses technical terms.usetermidiom a group of words that has a special meaning which you cannot guess from the meanings of each separate word: ‘On top of the world’ is an idiom that means ’very happy’.bemeancliché a group of words that people use a lot, so that it seems boring, annoying, or silly: ‘You are what you eat’ is a cliché but it’s true.bebethe old movie cliché ‘we can’t go on meeting like this’meetslang very informal words used by a particular group of people, for example young people, criminals, or soldiers: ’Wicked’ is slang for ’good’.bearmy slangjargon disapproving words used by a particular profession or group of people, which are difficult for other people to understand: The document was written in complicated legal jargon.bewritecomplicatethe jargon of finance




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