

单词 sprint
释义 sprintsprintssprintedsprintingsprintsprint /sprɪnt/ verb [transitive] to run very fast for a short distancesprint up/across etcHe sprinted up the stairs.sprintstair他飞奔着冲上楼梯。—sprintersprinterssprinter noun [countable]—sprintsprintssprint noun [countable]THESAURUS: sprintrun to move very quickly, moving your legs faster than when you walk: I had to run to catch the bus this morning.haveNever run across the road.jog/go jogging to run fairly slowly for exercise: A few people were jogging in the park.bejogHe goes jogging every morning.gojograce/dash to run or move very quickly for a short distance, in order to do something urgent: I dashed upstairs to give her the letter.dashtear to run very quickly, often without really looking where you are going, because you are in a hurry: The kids were tearing around the house, making a lot of noise.kidbetearmakecharge to run quickly and with a lot of energy, with the result that you might knock someone over: He was charging straight at me.bechargeThey all charged out of the building into the street.chargebuildsprint to run as fast as you can for a short distance: I saw a policeman sprinting past.seesprinttake to your heels to start running away very quickly, especially to escape or because you are afraid: The boys took to their heels when they saw Miss Green coming.boytakeheelseecome




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