

单词 bother
释义 botherbothersbotheredbotheringbotherbother1 /ˈbɒðə $ ˈbɑːðər/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to make the effort to do somethingbother to do somethingHe didn’t bother to lock the door. 他没有把门锁上。bother doing somethingDid anyone bother filling in the form?dofill有人费心填了那份表格吗?bother with/aboutI’m not going to bother with changing my clothes.gochangeclothe 我懒得换衣服了。‘Shall I get you a ticket?’ ‘No, don’t bother.’“要我给你弄张票吗?”“不要了﹐别麻烦了。”2[intransitive and transitive] to make someone feel slightly worried or upset: Being in a crowd really bothers me.bebother只要在拥挤的人群里我就很难受。Does it bother you that he forgets your name?doforget他老是忘记你的名字﹐你生气吗?3[transitive] to annoy someone, especially by interrupting what they are doing: Stop bothering me – I’m trying to work.bothertry 别烦我—我要工作呢。Phrasescan’t be bothered (to do something) British English used to say that you do not have enough interest or energy to do something: I can’t be bothered to cook tonight.bother 今天晚上我懒得做饭。THESAURUS: botherannoy to make someone feel a little angry: My question seemed to annoy him.seeminfuriate to make someone very angry: She infuriated her boss by coming in late.infuriatecomeget on sb’s nerves to annoy someone – used about things that keep happening, or things that someone keeps doing: The noise from the party was starting to get on my nerves.bestartnerveI wish he wouldn’t keep saying ‘are you all right?’ – it really gets on my nerves.saybegetnervebother to annoy someone by interrupting them – used especially when apologizing for doing this: I’m sorry to bother you, but there’s something that I wanted to talk to you about.want




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