

单词 soft
释义 softsoftersoftestsoftsoft /sɒft $ sɒːft/ adjective1not hard not hard, firm, or stiff, but easy to press OPP hard: a soft pillow柔软的枕头2gentle gentle: She gave him a soft kiss.give她给他温柔的一吻。3skin/fur smooth and pleasant to touch OPP rough: soft skin细嫩的皮肤a cat with lovely soft fur一只皮毛柔滑漂亮的猫4quiet soft sounds are quiet OPP loud, harsh: Her voice was softer now.besoft她的嗓音现在柔和些了。THESAURUS quiet5colours/lights soft colours or lights are not too bright OPP bright: Soft lighting is much more romantic.lightbe柔和的灯光要浪漫得多。6not strict informal someone who is soft does not treat people severely enough when they have done something wrong OPP strict, toughsoft onThe government does not want to seem soft on crime.do政府不想在犯罪问题上显得心慈手软。7too easy informal a soft job or punishment does not involve hard work or difficulties: Some people see this course as a soft option.有些人认为选这门课比较容易过关。8silly British English informal stupid or silly: Don’t be so soft!别犯傻了!9drugs soft drugs are illegal drugs that are considered to be less harmful than some other drugs10water soft water makes a lot of bubbles when you use soap—softnesssoftnessessoftness noun [uncountable]Phraseshave a soft spot for somebody informal to like someone: She’s always had a soft spot for Chris.have她对克里斯一直有好感。a soft touch informal someone whom you can easily control, especially someone from whom you can easily get money: We always considered Uncle Jack to be rather a soft touch.consider我们一直认为杰克叔叔心软好骗。THESAURUS: softsoft not hard, firm, or stiff, but easy to press: She lay down in her soft, warm bed.liesoft skintender soft and easy to cut – used about cooked meat and vegetables: Cook the carrots until tender.carrota tender steaksoggy soft and wet in an unpleasant way: a soggy mass of fallen leavesfallleavespringy soft and returning to its normal shape after being pressed or walked on: The bed was nice and springy.beMy hair feels all springy.feelsquishy informal soft and easy to press – used especially about fruit that is too soft, and about soft wet ground which makes a noise when you walk on it: squishy tomatoestomatoThe grass was very squishy.be




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