

单词 blessing
释义 blessingblessingsblessingblessing /ˈblesɪŋ/ noun1[countable] something good that improves your life or makes you happy: The rain was a real blessing after all that heat.bebless热了那么久﹐这场雨真是一场甘霖。2[uncountable] someone’s approval or encouragementwith/without sb’s blessingThey were determined to marry, with or without their parents’ blessing.bedetermineparentbless不管父母是否同意﹐他们都决定要结婚。3[singular, uncountable] protection and help from God, or the prayer in which you ask for thisPhrasesa blessing in disguise something that seems to be bad but that you later realize is good: The lack of tourism on the island could be a blessing in disguise.canbless岛上没有旅游业也许反而是一件好事。a mixed blessing something that is both good and bad: Living close to the office was a mixed blessing.livebemixbless住得离办公室近有利也有弊。count your blessings to be glad because of the good things that you have: We should count our blessings that we’re all in reasonable health.shallblessing我们应该庆幸身体都还算健康。




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