

单词 spot
释义 spotspotsspottedspottingspotspot2 verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle spotted, present participle spotting) to notice someone or something: A pilot spotted the wreckage.spot一位飞行员发现了残骸。His talent was spotted at an early age.bespot他的天赋在他很小的时候就被发现了。THESAURUS: spotnotice to see something interesting or unusual: I noticed a man running out of the bank.noticerunspot to suddenly see someone or something, especially someone or something you are looking for: Nick spotted the advertisement in the newspaper.spotcatch sight of/catch a glimpse of to suddenly see someone or something for a short time, usually not clearly: Fans waited outside the hotel, hoping to catch a glimpse of the singer.fanwaithopeAs he walked past the house, he caught sight of Francesca through the window.walkcatchwitness to see something happen, especially a crime or an accident: Police are appealing for information from anyone who witnessed the attack.beappealwitnessobserve formal to see and pay attention to something: Officers observed him driving at 100 mph.officerobservedrive




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