

单词 state-of-the-art
释义 state-of-the-artstate-of-the-artˌstate-of-the-ˈart adjective using the newest methods, materials, or knowledge: state-of-the-art technology最先进的技术THESAURUS: state-of-the-artadvanced using very modern technology and ideas – used about countries, methods, and equipment: advanced countries such as the USadvancecountry The software on the spacecraft is very advanced and very efficient.beadvancesophisticated using very modern technology, especially in a clever and complicated way: The system is very sophisticated, but it often breaks down.bebreak The car is powered by a highly sophisticated engine which uses special fuel.bepowerusehigh-tech using very modern technology, especially electronic equipment and computers: high-tech companies in Silicon Valleycompanyhigh-tech weaponsweaponstate-of-the-art using the newest and most advanced features, ideas, and materials that are available: The hospital facilities are state-of-the-art.facilitybea state-of-the-art recording studiorecordcutting-edge cutting-edge technology or research is the most advanced that there is at this time: cutting-edge medical researchcutThe plane uses cutting-edge technology.usecut




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