

单词 direct
释义 directdirecterdirectestdirectdirect1 /dəˈrekt, ˌdaɪˈrekt◂/ adjective1without other places, people, or processes coming between OPP indirect: a direct flight to Egypt直飞埃及的班机staff who work in direct contact with the public工作中和公众有直接接触的员工Keep medicines out of direct sunlight.medicine把药物放在阳光直射不到的地方。The building took a direct hit (=was hit by a bomb).buildtake这栋建筑物被炸弹直接击中。direct result/consequenceTen people die every day as a direct result of smoking.smoke每天有十个人死于吸烟造成的直接后果。There’s a direct link between poverty and crime.贫穷和犯罪有着直接的联系。2exact, without any changes: a direct quote from the President对总统话语的直接引用3saying exactly what you mean OPP indirect: Can I ask you a direct question?我能问你一个直截了当的问题吗?—directnessdirectnessesdirectness noun [uncountable]




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