

单词 steady
释义 steadysteadiersteadieststeadysteady1 /ˈstedi/ adjective1continuing or developing at the same rate, without stopping or changing: He has made steady progress.havemake 他取得了稳定的进步。a steady speed of 50 mph每小时 50 英里的稳定速度hold/remain steadyInflation held steady at 3%.hold通货膨胀稳定保持在 3%。2not moving or shaking ➔ stable: Keep the ladder steady.把梯子放稳。Her voice remained steady.remain她的声音依然很平稳。3a steady job a job you get paid regularly for, and is likely to continue for a long time4steady boyfriend/girlfriend someone that you have had a romantic relationship with for a long time—steadilysteadily adverb—steadinesssteadinessessteadiness noun [uncountable]




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