

单词 stock
释义 stockstocksstockstock1 /stɒk $ stɑːk/ noun1[countable] a supply of something that you keep, which you can use when you need it: How long will the country’s coal stocks last?stock国家的煤炭储备还能用多久?stock ofShe kept a stock of candles in the cupboard.keepcandle她在橱柜里储备了一些蜡烛。2[uncountable and countable] a supply of a particular type of thing that a shop has available to sell: Hurry – buy now while stocks last!stock存货有限﹐欲购从速!in stock/out of stock (=available or unavailable to be sold)Their new album is now in stock.be他们的新专辑现正有售。3[uncountable and countable] a share or shares in a company4[uncountable and countable] a liquid made from boiling meat, bones, or vegetables, used to make soup: chicken stock原汁鸡汤Phrasestake stock (of something) to think carefully about a situation so that you can decide what to do next: We need to take stock of the situation.我们需要估量一下形势。




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