

单词 strange
释义 strangestrangerstrangeststrangestrange /streɪndʒ/ adjective1unusual or surprising, in a way that is difficult to understand or explain: I had a strange dream last night.have 昨天晚上我做了一个奇怪的梦。What’s that strange noise?那个奇怪的声音是什么?It’s strange that Brad isn’t here yet. 奇怪﹐布拉德还没来。strange aboutThere was something strange about him.be 他有点怪怪的。That’s strange – I thought I left my keys on the table.thinkleavekey真奇怪—我以为我把钥匙放在桌子上。2not familiar or known to you: I was alone in a strange country.be 我孤身一人在陌生的国度里。Never speak to strange men.man千万不要和陌生男子说话。—strangelystrangely adverb: She was looking at me very strangely.belook她正奇怪地看着我。 —strangenessstrangenessesstrangeness noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: strangestrange unusual or surprising, in a way that is difficult to understand or explain: People do strange things when they’re in love.thinga strange womanfunny especially spoken especially British English a little strange: What’s that funny smell?It seems a funny place for a holiday.seemcurious strange, especially in an interesting way that makes you want to find out more: The curious thing was that everyone believed him.bebelievemysterious used about something that people know little about: the mysterious disappearance of a young girleccentric strange in a way that seems slightly crazy and amusing – used about people and their behaviour: an eccentric old manpeculiar/odd slightly strange and different from what is normal: Did you notice anything peculiar about him?doweird/bizarre very strange: She has some weird ideas.haveideaThe whole situation seems very bizarre.seem




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