

单词 get
释义 getgetsgotgottengettinggetget /get/ verb (past tense got /gɒt $ gɑːt/, past participle got British English, gotten /ˈgɒtn $ ˈgɑːtn/ American English, present participle getting)1RECEIVE/OBTAIN [transitive] to receive, find, or buy somethingget something from somebodyI got an email from Chris.get我收到了克里斯的一封电子邮件。get somebody somethingDad got him a job at the factory.get 爸爸给他在工厂里找了一份工作。get something for somebodyCould you get some information for me?can你能给我找点资料吗?get something from somebodyShe got the jacket from a friend.get她这件外套是从朋友那里拿来的。get something for £5/$9 etcYou can get a laptop for under £500.你可以用不到 500 英镑就买到一部手提电脑。get yourself somethingHe’s gotten himself a new girlfriend already.get他已经给自己找了个新的女朋友。get £5/£45,000 etc (=receive £5 etc as payment for something)Hospital porters get £6.50 an hour.porter医院搬运工每小时挣 4.50 英镑。get 90%/a good mark etc (=receive 90% etc for a test, competition etc)Who got the highest score?gethigh谁得了最高分?THESAURUS buy2BRING [transitive] to bring someone or something back from somewhere SYN fetchget somebody somethingCarrie, go and get me a towel.卡丽﹐去给我拿一条毛巾来。get something for somebodyHe went to get cigarettes for his mom.gocigarette他去给他妈妈拿香烟。get somebody/something from somethingI’ll get the kids from school later.kidlate我稍后会去接孩子们放学。THESAURUS bring3EXPERIENCE [transitive] to experience somethingget pleasure/a shock/a surprise etcI got the impression she didn’t like me.get我有一种感觉﹐她不喜欢我。4BECOME [intransitive, linking verb] to change to a new state, feeling, or situation SYN becomeget bored/angry/upset etcChildren get bored very quickly.childbore小孩子很容易厌烦。Helen got drunk, as usual.getdrink海伦照例喝得醉熏熏的。get cold/dark/late etcWe should go – it’s getting late.shallget我们该走了—时间不早了。get hurt/broken/stolen etcI got lost in the wood.getlose我在树林里迷了路。get married/divorced/engagedWhen are you getting married?begetmarry你什么时候结婚?get washed/dressedIsn’t it time you got dressed?getdress你现在不是该穿衣服了吗?THESAURUS become5ARRIVE/GO [transitive] to arrive, go, or move somewhere: When did you get home?do你什么时候到家的?get toHow do I get to the station?我到车站怎么走?They somehow had to get past the guards.haveguard他们不管怎样必须越过警卫。The thieves got away (=escaped).thieveget那些贼逃跑了。Liam got slowly to his feet (=stood up).getfoot利亚姆慢慢地站起来。THESAURUS arrive6HAVE OPPORTUNITY get to do something to have the opportunity to do something: She’s nice once you get to know her.你一旦了解她﹐你就知道她是个好人。I never get a chance to see you anymore.我再没有机会见到你了。7BUS/TRAIN [transitive] if you get a bus, train etc, you travel on a bus etc: Pete always gets the bus to work.get皮特总是坐公共汽车去上班。8ILLNESS [transitive] to begin to have an illnessget a cold/the flu/cancer etcI think I’m getting a cold.get我想我是感冒了。9START get doing something to begin doing something: We got talking about the old days.gettalkday我们开始谈论过去。get going/moving (=start doing something that you must do)It’s late, we’d better get going.wellgo时间不早了﹐我们最好开始吧。10UNDERSTAND [transitive] informal to understand or hear something: Tracy didn’t get the joke.特蕾西没有听懂这个笑话。I just don’t get it (=do not understand).我就是不明白。Sorry, I didn’t quite get what you said.say对不起﹐我不是很明白你的话。11MOVE [transitive] to move something to a different positionget something into/through/across etcFather got his gun down from the shelf.get父亲从架子上取下他的枪。12PROGRESS [transitive] to reach a particular stage in a process successfully: She didn’t get far with her studies.study她学业没有很大进步。I’m not getting anywhere (=not progressing successfully) with this job.get我干这份工作不会有什么出息。13MAKE STH HAPPEN [transitive] to make something happenget something to do somethingI couldn’t get the car to start.我不能让汽车发动起来。14MAKE SB DO STH [transitive] to persuade or force someone to do somethingget somebody to do somethingWe couldn’t get him to agree.我们无法让他同意。THESAURUS persuade15HAVE DONE [transitive] to arrange for someone to do a particular jobget something done/fixed etcWe’ll have to get the roof mended.mend我们得把屋顶修一修。16PUNISHMENT [transitive] to receive a punishment: He got ten years for robbery.getyear他因抢劫罪被判刑十年。17MEAL [transitive] informal to prepare a meal: Can I get you anything for lunch?我给你弄点午饭好吗?18PUNISH [transitive] informal to attack, hurt, or catch someone: I’ll get you for this!这事我跟你没完!19DOOR/TELEPHONE [transitive] informal to answer the door or telephone: Can you get the door for me, please?请你帮我去开一下门好吗?THESAURUS: getget to receive, find, or buy something: Where did you get those jeans?doI got an email from her yesterday.getobtain formal to get something, especially information or something that you need for a particular purpose: The information can be obtained from any local government office.obtainWe managed to obtain a copy of the agreement.manageacquire formal to get knowledge, skills, or something big or expensive: The course will help you to acquire the skills you need to find a job.skillThe firm was acquired by a Dutch company.beacquiregain to get something, especially experience, knowledge, control, or an advantage. Gain is more formal than get: I gained a lot of useful experience.gainThe island gained its independence in 1960.gainEach side tried to gain an advantage.tryShe gained a degree in Fine Art.gaininherit to get money or property from someone after they die: Jo inherited a lot of money from her mother.inheritget hold of something informal to get something that is difficult to find: Where can I get hold of their address?Phrasal verbsget about British English phrasal verb1to move or travel to different places2if news or information gets about, many people hear about itget across phrasal verb to be understood, or to make someone understand somethingget across toThe message isn’t getting across to youngsters.getyoungster这层意思年轻人不理解。get something ↔ acrossWhat’s the best way to get your ideas across?wellidea什么方法最能把自己的观点讲清楚?get ahead phrasal verb to be successful in your job, work etcget along phrasal verb if people get along, they have a friendly relationshipget along withDo you get along well with your colleagues?colleague你和你的同事相处得好吗?THESAURUS friendlyget around phrasal verb1get around (something) to go to different places2if news or information gets around, many people hear about it3get around something to avoid something that will cause problems: There are ways of getting around the law.bewayget有许多办法可以绕开法律。THESAURUS avoidget around to something phrasal verb to do something you have been intending to do for a long time: I must get around to writing some cards.writecard我必须抽时间写几张卡片。get at somebody/something phrasal verb1to be able to reach something: We took up the carpet to get at the wiring.takewire我们掀起了地毯够着了电线。2be getting at something to be trying to explain an idea: Just what are you getting at?beget你到底想说什么?3to discover information about something: They were determined to get at the truth.bedetermine他们决心查明事情的真相。4informal to keep criticizing someoneget away phrasal verb informal1to leave a placeget away fromI didn’t get away from work until late.我直到很晚才下班。I’d love to get away from it all (=leave your work, duties etc for a holiday).我很想抛开这一切。2to escape from someone who is chasing you or trying to catch youget away fromHe managed to get away from the attacker.manage他设法摆脱了袭击他的人。THESAURUS escapeget away with something phrasal verb to not be caught or punished for something: He’ll cheat if he thinks he can get away with it.think他逮到机会就会作弊。get back phrasal verb1to return to a place: It’s time we were getting back.beget我们该回去了。get back toWhen did you get back to London?do你什么时候回伦敦的?2get something ↔ back to have something again after you had lost it or given it to someone: Did you get your purse back?do你找回你的钱包了吗?3get somebody back (also get back at somebody) to hurt someone because they have hurt youget forI’ll get you back for this!这事我会找你算账的!get back to somebody/something phrasal verb1to return to a previous state, condition, or activity: Life is beginning to get back to normal.bebegin生活正在开始恢复正常。2informal to return a telephone call by speaking to the person who made the call THESAURUS answerget behind phrasal verb if you get behind with work or a regular payment, you fail to do the work or pay the money in timeget behind withWhatever you do, don’t get behind with your rent.rend无论你做什么﹐就是别拖欠房租。get by phrasal verb to have only just enough of something to be able to do the things you need to doget by onShe gets by on just £80 a week.get她就靠每周 80 英镑勉强度日。I know enough Italian to get by.我的意大利语足够对付了。get somebody/something down phrasal verb1informal to make someone feel unhappy: Her illness gets her down.get疾病使她变得消沉了。2get something ↔ down to quickly write down what someone says or what you think: Let me get down your address.让我记下你的地址。get down to something phrasal verb to start doing something that needs time or energy: Isn’t it time you got down to some work?get是不是你该干点活了?THESAURUS startget in phrasal verb1to be allowed or able to go into a place: I applied to college but didn’t get in.apply我申请入大学﹐但没被录取。2when a train, bus etc gets in, it arrives: My train gets in at 10.get我的火车 10 点钟到达。 3to arrive somewhere: What time did you get in?do你什么时候到家的?4to be elected: Do you think Labour will get in again?你认为工党能再次当选吗?get in on something phrasal verb informal to become involved in something that other people are doing: We began a delivery service and now others want to get in on the act.begin我们推出了送货服务﹐现在其他人也想这么做。get into something phrasal verb1to be accepted by an organization, team etc: Do you think he’ll get into the squad?你认为他能进运动队吗?2to enter or arrive at a place3to start being involved in a situationget into trouble/debt/difficulties etcHe got into the habit of arriving late.getarrive他养成了迟到的习惯。4informal to start being interested in something: I got heavily into rap music.get我开始对说唱音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣。5what’s got into somebody? spoken used to say that someone is behaving very differently from usualget off phrasal verb1get (somebody) off (something) informal to leave a place, or to help someone leave: It’s time we got off.get我们该走了。What time do you get off work?你什么时候下班?get toI must get the kids off to school.kid我必须打发孩子们去上学。2get something off to send a letter, package etc3get something off to remove a piece of clothing you are wearing: You’d better get those wet shoes off.wellshoe你最好把那双湿鞋子脱下来。4get (somebody) off to receive little or no punishment for a crime, or to help someone do this: He got off lightly (=received a very small punishment).get他被判得很轻。get onHis attorney got him off on a technicality (=using a legal detail).get他的律师利用法律上的一个技术细节为他脱了罪。 5informal to go to sleep: I couldn’t get off to sleep last night.昨晚我睡不着觉。6get off to a good/bad start to begin something well or badly7get (something) off (somebody/something) informal to stop touching something or someone: Get your hands off me!hand你的手别碰我!get off with somebody phrasal verb British English informal to start a romantic relationship with someoneget on phrasal verb1British English if people get on, they have a friendly relationshipget on withShe doesn’t get on with my mum very well.她和我妈相处得不是很好。THESAURUS friendly2to continue or to make progress with a job, work etcget on withStop talking and get on with it!talk别说话﹐继续干!3to be successful in your work, job etc4be getting on informal a)if time is getting on, it is quite late b)if someone is getting on, they are quite old THESAURUS old5be getting on for something British English, be getting on toward something American English almost a particular age, time, or amount: Mrs McIntyre must be getting on for 90 by now.get麦金太尔太太现在肯定都快90岁了。THESAURUS almostget onto somebody/something phrasal verb1informal to write or speak to someone because you want them to help you: We got onto the landlord about the damp.get我们因为潮气的问题联系了房东。2to be elected to a committee, political organization etc3to start talking about a particular subject: How did we get onto the war?do我们是怎么开始谈论起战争的?get out phrasal verb1get (somebody) out to leave or escape from a place, or to help someone do thisget ofThe Embassy advised tourists to get out of the country.advisetourist大使馆建议旅游者离开这个国家。Firefighters tried to get them out.firefightertry消防员设法把他们救出来。THESAURUS escape2get something ↔ out to take something from the place where it is kept or hidden: He got out a knife and pointed it at me.getpoint他拿出一把刀指着我。3if secret information gets out, people find out about itget out of something phrasal verb1to avoid doing something that you should doget out of doing somethingI’m afraid I can’t get out of going to the meeting.gomeet恐怕这次开会我是逃不掉了。THESAURUS avoid2get something out of somebody to persuade someone to tell or give you something3get something out of something to enjoy an activity and feel you have gained something from itget something out of doing somethingDo you get a lot out of playing the violin?play你拉小提琴得到很多快乐吗?get over phrasal verb1get over something to feel better after an illness or bad experience: It takes weeks to get over the flu.takeweek流感要几个星期才能康复。You feel bad now, but you’ll get over it.你现在感觉很糟,但会好起来的。2get something over (with) to finish something difficult or unpleasant: I’ll feel better when I’ve got the test over with.wellget考试结束后我会感觉好一些。THESAURUS finish3get something ↔ over to succeed in making people understand your ideas: You’ll get your message over if you stick to the point.如果紧扣主题﹐你就可以把意思讲清楚。get round phrasal verb British English ➔ get aroundget round to something phrasal verb British English ➔ get around to somethingget through phrasal verb1get through something informal to use or deal with a particular amount of something: I get through about 20 cigarettes a day.cigarette我一天大约抽 20 支烟。I’ve got through a lot of work this month.get这个月我做了很多工作。2get (somebody) through something to reach the end of an unpleasant experience, test etc, or to help someone do this: Her love got me through the death of my son.get她的爱帮助我从丧子的打击中挺了过来。3to succeed in telephoning someone: I tried phoning, but I couldn’t get through.tryphone我打过电话﹐但打不通。get (something) through to somebody phrasal verb to succeed in making someone understand you: How can I get through to you that I love you?我怎样才能让你明白我爱你呢?get to somebody phrasal verb informal to upset someoneget together phrasal verb1if people get together, they meet in order to do something nice: We must get together for a drink.我们一定要聚一聚喝一杯。2get something/somebody ↔ together to bring or collect several things or people so that they are in one place: He got some residents together to form an action group.getresident他召集一些居民组成了一个行动小组。3get it/your life/yourself together to change the way you live so that you are better organized, happier etcget up phrasal verb1get (somebody) up to get out of your bed after sleeping, or to make someone do this: Get me up at 8.八点钟叫我起来。2to stand up THESAURUS standget up to something phrasal verb informal to do something that might be slightly bad: What are the kids getting up to, I wonder?bekidget我不知道孩子们在搞什么鬼呢?




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