

单词 strong
释义 strongstrongerstrongeststrongstrong /strɒŋ $ strɒːŋ/ adjective1physically someone who is strong has big muscles and can lift heavy things, and is not weak or ill ➔ strength: a strong man一个强壮的男人strong hands/arms/muscles etcTHESAURUS bright2mentally someone who is strong can deal with problems without becoming too upset or worried: You have to be strong to cope with the death of a child.孩子死亡﹐你必须坚强地去面对。3not easily damaged something that is strong cannot be broken or damaged easily: a strong rope结实的绳子Is that branch strong enough to hold your weight?be那根树枝够结实能承受你的重量吗?4good and not likely to fail something that is strong is good, or has good qualities, and is not likely to fail: a strong economy繁荣的经济They have a very strong relationship. 他们的关系非常牢固。5determined powerful and determined: a strong leader一个重权在握的领导人We will take strong action against terrorists.terrorist我们将对恐怖分子采取强有力的行动。6feeling/belief strong feelings and beliefs are ones that you feel or believe a lot: a strong belief in God对上帝的坚信a strong desire for power强烈的权力欲7taste/smell a strong taste or smell is one that you notice easily: a strong smell of onionsonion浓烈的洋葱味8drink a strong drink contains a lot of alcohol, coffee, or tea9wind/current/sun a strong wind, current, or sun has a lot of force or power THESAURUS bright10evidence/case not likely to be proved wrong: There’s strong evidence to suggest he was innocent.be 有充分的证据显示他是无罪的。There is now a strong case for a change in the law.be现在有充分理由修改这条法律。11currency a strong currency (=the money used in a country) is worth a lot compared to others: The dollar is quite strong at the moment.be目前美元相当坚挺。12many people 500/10,000 etc strong having 500, 10,000 etc people: The crowd was over 100,000 strong.be人群有 100,000 人以上。Phrasesbe still going strong to still be working or living successfully: a pop group that is still going strongbego依然受欢迎的一支流行音乐组合strong point a good quality that someone has, or something that they can do well: Science is not my strong point.be科学科目不是我的强项。strong language rude words that some people may find offensive: Both sides criticized each other in very strong language.sidecriticize双方都用强硬的语言指责对方。THESAURUS: strongpersonstrong having a lot of physical strength: I’m not strong enough to lift you.strong armsarmpowerful very strong – used about someone’s body, arms, muscles etc: He has big powerful shoulders.haveshouldermuscular having big muscles and looking strong: You could see his muscular chest through his shirt.cana tall muscular manwell-built strong and tall, with a big body – often used in police descriptions: Police say the man is well-built, with dark brown hair.bebuildthingstrong not easily broken or damaged: Calcium keeps bones strong and healthy.keepbonestrong threadtough strong – used about something that can be used a lot without being damaged: a pair of tough leather bootsbootsturdy strong and often thick, and not likely to fall over or get broken: a sturdy wooden benchindestructible impossible to break, damage, or destroy, and lasting forever: The watch is virtually indestructible.be




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