

单词 style
释义 stylestylesstylestyle1 AC /staɪl/ noun1[countable] the way in which a person or group of people typically does something: He’s trying to copy Picasso’s style of painting.trypaint 他试图模仿毕加索的绘画风格。architecture in the Gothic style哥特式建筑The dinner will be served buffet style.serve晚餐将是自助式的。2[countable] the particular way in which someone usually behaves or worksstyle ofChildren have different styles of learning.childstylelearn 儿童有不同的学习方式。his own personal style of management他自己的一套管理方式3a)[countable] a particular design or fashion for something such as clothes, hair, or furniture: Shoes are available in several styles.shoebestyle 鞋子有几种款式。His hair was cut in a very strange style.be他的发型剪得很古怪。 b)[uncountable] the quality of being fashionablein/out of styleLong skirts are back in style.skirtbe长裙又流行起来了。4[uncountable] a quality that people admire or think is attractive: You may not like him, but you have to admit he has style.have你也许不喜欢他﹐但你不得不承认他很有风度。




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