

单词 host
释义 hosthostshosthost /həʊst $ hoʊst/ noun [countable]1the person at a party, meal etc who organized it and invited the guests ➔ hostess: Our host greeted us at the door.greet主人在门口迎接我们。2someone who introduces the guests on a television or radio show: a game show host游戏节目主持人3a country, city, or organization that provides the space, equipment etc for a special eventhost country/government/city etcthe host city for the next Olympic Gamesgame下届奥林匹克运动会的主办城市4a (whole) host of people/things a large number of people or things: a host of possibilitiespossibility多种可能性—hosthostshostedhostinghost verb [transitive]: Which country is hosting the next World Cup?behost哪个国家将主办下一届世界杯?




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