

单词 successful
释义 successfulsuccessfulsuccessful /səkˈsesfəl/ adjective1having the result or effect that you intended OPP unsuccessful: If the operation is successful, you should make a full recovery.beshall 手术成功的话你会完全康复。a successful attempt to sail around the world成功的环球航行2a successful person earns a lot of money or is very well known and respected OPP unsuccessful: a successful businesswoman成功的女商人3a successful business, film, or product makes a lot of money OPP unsuccessful: a highly successful product一件非常畅销的产品The film was hugely successful.be这部电影十分卖座。—successfullysuccessfully adverbTHESAURUS: successfulsuccessful achieving the result you wanted: Their second attempt was successful.beeffective an effective method, treatment, drug etc is good because it does exactly what it is intended to do: The tests showed that the drug was highly effective.testshowbeWhat is the most effective way of dealing with young criminals?bedealcriminalvictorious especially written successful because you win a game, election, war etc: the captain of the victorious teamShe emerged victorious in the second round of voting.emergevotepromising a promising young player, student, artist etc is likely to be successful in the future: The coach is always looking for promising young players.belookpromiseplayerthriving a thriving business, industry, economy, city etc is very successful: He has built up a thriving business.havebuildthriveThe island’s tourist industry is thriving.bethrivebooming extremely successful – used about an economy, or when business or trade is increasing: The economy is booming.beboomthe booming market for modern artboom




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