

单词 sum
释义 sumsumssummedsummingsumsum2 AC verb (past tense and past participle summed, present participle summing)Phrasal verbssum up phrasal verb1to end a discussion or speech by giving the main information about it in a short statement: So, to sum up, we need to organize our time better.well 因此﹐总而言之﹐我们需要更好地安排时间。sum something ↔ upYou should sum up your argument in the final paragraph.shall你应该在最后一段总结论点。2sum somebody/something ↔ up to form an opinion about someone or something: Pat summed up the situation at a glance.sum帕特一眼就判断了当时的形势。—summing-upsummings-upsumming-up noun [countable]




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