

单词 the
释义 thethethe /ðə; before vowels ði; strong ðiː/ determiner1used before nouns when you are talking about a person or thing that has already been mentioned or is already known about, or that is the only one ➔ a: the shop next to our school我们学校旁边的那家商店the woman I saw yesterdaysee我昨天看到的女子2used as part of the names of some countries, rivers, oceans etc: the United Statesunitestate美国the Pacific Ocean太平洋3used before an adjective to make it into a noun that refers to a particular group of people: a hotel with facilities for the disabledfacilitydisable为残疾人提供设施的酒店shelter for the homeless无家可归者的收容所4used before a singular noun to show that you are talking about that thing in general: The computer has changed our lives.havechangelive电脑改变了我们的生活。5each or every: He’s paid by the hour.pay他的报酬按小时计算。How many euros are there to the pound?eurobe每英镑折合多少欧元?6used before the names of musical instruments: I enjoy playing the piano.play我喜欢弹钢琴。7used to talk about a part of the body: The ball hit him right in the eye!球正巧砸在他的眼睛上!8used before a particular date or period of time: the third of April 4 月 3 号the 1960s20 世纪 60 年代Phrasesthe ... the ... used to show that two things happen together and depend on each other: The more you practise, the better you’ll play.well你练习得越多﹐就弹得越好。GrammarDo not use the when you are talking about something in general using an uncountable noun or a plural noun I like ice cream.我喜欢冰激凌。Cats often hunt at night.cat猫通常在夜间捕食。You use the when you are talking about a particular thing I like the ice cream you bought.buy我喜欢你买的冰激凌。The cats on our street make a lot of noise.cat在我们街上的猫发出很大的噪音。Do not use the before the names of airports, railway stations, or streets We arrived at Gatwick Airport.arrive我们到达盖特威克机场了。The train leaves from Euston Station.leave火车从尤斯顿车站出发。She lives in Spencer Road.live她住在斯潘塞路。 Do not say ‘the Gatwick airport’, ‘the Euston Station’ etc.You use the when you are talking about a particular airport, station, or street without naming it We arrived at the airport.arrive我们到达机场了。The train was just leaving the station.beleave火车刚刚从车站出发。She lives in the same street as me.live她和我住在同一条街上。




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