

单词 boiling
释义 boilingboilingboiling /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ adjective extremely hot: It’s boiling hot in here.boil 这里热极了。THESAURUS: boilinghot having a high temperature: It’s really hot today.a hot drinkI’m too hot!It was too hot in the office to do any work.beBe careful – that plate’s hot.warm a little hot, especially in a way that is pleasant: a warm summer’s eveningevenThe bread was still warm from the oven.beboiling (hot) informal very hot: It’s boiling hot in here!boilI’m boiling.boilThe weather was absolutely boiling.beboilhumid if the weather or a place is humid, it is hot and the air feels wet and uncomfortable: Hong Kong gets very humid at this time of year.gethumid weatherlukewarm slightly warm, but not warm enough – used about a liquid that you would like to be hotter: a cup of lukewarm coffeeThe bath water was lukewarm.belike an oven extremely hot and uncomfortable – used about the inside of rooms, buildings, and cars: It was like an oven in the car.befeverish if someone is feverish, their skin feels hot because they are ill: His forehead felt all feverish.feel




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