

单词 through
释义 throughthroughthrough1 /θruː/ adverb, preposition1 from one side or end of something to the other: The train went through the tunnel.go火车穿过隧道。I pushed my way through the crowd.push我挤过人群。We found a gap in the fence and climbed through.findclimb我们发现栅栏有个缺口就爬过去了。2from the beginning to the end, including all parts of something: She slept through the film.sleep她从电影开始睡到结束。I’ve searched through all the papers but I can’t find your certificate.searchpaper我找遍了所有文件﹐但找不到你的证书。read/think etc something throughMake sure to read the contract through before you sign it.在你签合同之前一定要仔细阅读一遍。THESAURUS during3if you see or hear something through a window, wall etc, the window, wall etc is between you and it: I could see him through the window.can我透过窗户看得到他。4because of something or with the help of something or someone: She succeeded through sheer hard work.succeed 她全靠努力工作才取得成功。I got the job through an employment agency.get我通过一家职业介绍所得到这份工作。5past one stage in a competition to the next stagethrough toThis is the first time they’ve ever made it through to the final.bemake这是他们第一次打入决赛。6Friday through Sunday/March through May etc American English from Friday until the end of Sunday, from March until the end of May etc7British English connected to someone by telephone: Please hold the line and I’ll put you through.请不要挂电话﹐我给你接过去。Phrasesthrough and through completely: a typical Englishman through and through地地道道典型的英国人THESAURUS: throughduring through all of a period of time, or at one point in a period of time: During the war people had very little to eat.haveSomething woke me up during the night.wakeall through (also throughout) during all of a period of time – used when something is continuous: They were together all through the summer.beThroughout her career she has worked hard.haveworkover at some point or at various points during a period of days, weeks, months etc: It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years.interesthappenyearOver the next ten days his condition became gradually worse.daybecomeillI’m going to decorate my bedroom over the holidays.goholidaywithin before a period of time has ended: Within a week she was starting to feel better.bestartwellThe debt must be paid within 30 days.payday




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