

单词 too
释义 tootootoo /tuː/ adverb1more than is acceptable or possible: He was driving too fast.bedrive他开车开得太快了。It’s too hot!太热了!too ... for somebody/somethingThis dress is much too small for me.be 这件连衣裙我穿太小了。too ... to do somethingHe was too ill to travel.be 他病得太重﹐不能去远行。too much/many$200 for a room? That’s far too much.200 美元一间房?那也太贵了。I drank too many cups of coffee.drinkcup我喝了太多杯咖啡。2also: Sheila wants to come too.want希拉也想来。‘I’m really hungry.’ ‘Me too!’“我很饿。”“我也是!”Phrasesall too/only too used to emphasize that a particular situation exists when you wish it did not exist: This kind of attack happens all too often these days.happenday如今这一类的袭击事件太多了。not too spoken not very: He wasn’t too pleased when I told him I was leaving.pleasetellbeleave我告诉他我准备离开时﹐他不太高兴。be too much for somebody used to say that something is so difficult, tiring, upsetting etc that someone cannot do it or bear it: The shock was too much for him.be这个打击对他来说太大了。




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