

单词 gloomy
释义 gloomygloomiergloomiestgloomygloomy /ˈgluːmi/ adjective1making you feel that a situation will not improve: The report paints a gloomy picture of the economy.paint这篇报道描绘了一幅惨淡的经济现状。2sad because you think the situation will not improve: the gloomy faces of the rescue workersfaceworker营救人员沮丧的脸THESAURUS sad3dark, especially in a way that seems sad: a gloomy room with one small window只有一扇小窗户的阴暗房间THESAURUS dark—gloomilygloomily adverbTHESAURUS: gloomysad not happy: She felt sad as she waved goodbye.feelwaveunhappy sad, especially for a long time – used about people and periods of time: I was unhappy at school.beHe had an unhappy childhood.havehomesick sad because you are away from your home, family, and friends: She had just moved to Paris and was feeling homesick.havemovebefeeldown informal feeling sad, often for no reason: When you’re feeling down, it sometimes helps to talk to other people.feelhelpgloomy looking or sounding sad because you do not expect a situation to get better: Why are you all looking so gloomy?belookdark if it is dark, there is little or no light: a long dark corridorIt was getting dark outside.begeta dark night with no moongloomy a gloomy place is not bright or cheerful: His study was a gloomy room with brown walls.bewallIt’s a bit gloomy in here.biteshady a shady place is cool and dark in a pleasant way because the light of the sun cannot reach it: I found a shady corner of the garden, under a big tree.findmurky dark and difficult to see through – used especially about water: The river was very murky and we didn’t know what was down there.bebepitch-dark completely dark, so that you cannot see anything: It’s pitch-dark in the basement.




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