

单词 pleasure
释义 pleasurepleasurespleasurepleasure /ˈpleʒə $ -ər/ noun1[uncountable] a feeling of happiness, satisfaction, or enjoyment ➔ pleasantwith pleasureShe sipped her drink with pleasure.sip 她满足地啜着饮料。for pleasureI often read for pleasure.我经常读书消遣。She took great pleasure in telling him that he was wrong.taketellbe 她很开心地告诉他﹐是他错了。The garden has given pleasure to many people.havegive这花园给了很多人快乐。2[countable] an experience or activity that you enjoy very much: the simple pleasures of lifepleasure 生活中的简单乐趣be a pleasure (to do)My new car is an absolute pleasure to drive.be 我的新车开起来真带劲。It’s a pleasure to do business with you.和你做生意是件乐事。Phrasesmy pleasure/it’s a pleasure spoken used when someone has thanked you for doing something, and you want to say that you were glad to do it: ‘Thanks for your help.’ ‘My pleasure.’thank“谢谢你的帮助。”“别客气。”COLLOCATIONS: pleasureverbsto take pleasure in doing something (=to enjoy doing something)He seemed to take pleasure in causing trouble.seemcauseto get pleasure from/out of something (=to enjoy doing something)Young children get a lot of pleasure from dressing up.childdressto give somebody pleasureOver the years, painting has given me a lot of pleasure.yearpainthavegiveto bring pleasure to somebody (=to give someone pleasure)His singing has brought pleasure to millions.singhavebringadjectivesgreat/enormous/immense pleasureIt gave him immense pleasure to buy his wife presents.givepresent




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