

单词 nevertheless
释义 neverthelessneverthelessnevertheless AC /ˌnevəðəˈles $ -vər-/ adverb formal in spite of what has just been mentioned: He’s friendly enough, but nevertheless I don’t trust him. 他相当友善﹐但我还是不相信他。THESAURUS: neverthelessbut used when joining two words or phrases with different or opposite ideas. Don’t use but at the beginning of a sentence in written English: The hotel was cheap but good.beI liked the film but Kate didn’t.likealthough/even though used before a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising: Although he’s over 60, he still goes running every day.gorunI enjoyed German even though I wasn’t very good at it.enjoyhowever used when giving some information that is different to what you have just said. Used with commas in the middle or at the beginning of a sentence: Our family escaped. Other families, however, were less lucky.escapefamilybelittleTheir house is a long way from the nearest town. However, there is a good bus service.benearbenevertheless/nonetheless formal in spite of a fact that you have just mentioned: There was not much evidence. Nevertheless the jury said he was guilty.besaybeThe weather turned bad, but the festival was a great success nonetheless.turnbewhereas/while formal used when saying that something is true of one person, thing, or situation, but it is different for another: In the mountains there’s a lot of rain, whereas it’s usually dry on the coast.mountainA survey found that men worried about work, while women worried more about family problems.findmanworrywomanworryproblemon the other hand used when giving a different side of a situation or argument: It is a beautiful place to live. On the other hand, it can seem a bit boring sometimes.bebiteboreIt sounded like the perfect solution. On the other hand, it was too early to be sure.soundbe




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