

单词 trouble
释义 troubletroublestroubletrouble1 /ˈtrʌbəl/ noun1[uncountable and countable] problems or difficultiestrouble withWe’ve been having trouble with the new computer system.behave 我们新的电脑系统一直有问题。have trouble doing somethingWe had no trouble getting here.haveget 我们毫不费事就到这儿了。Mark was able to fix the tap without much trouble (=easily).be马克没费多大劲就把水龙头修好了。It’s good to be able to talk to someone about your troubles.trouble 能有个人说说烦心事真好。2[singular] the thing that is causing a problem, or the thing that is bad about someone or something: I’d love to come but the trouble is I can’t afford it.be 我很想去的﹐但问题是我没有足够的钱。The trouble with you is that you don’t listen.be 你的问题是不听。3in/into trouble in a situation with a lot of problemsget/run into troubleThe project has already run into trouble.have 这个项目已经陷入了困境。in serious/deep troubleThe company was in deep financial trouble.be公司陷入了严重的财务困境。 4in/into trouble if someone is in trouble, they have done something wrong which they will be punished forin/into trouble withHe’s been in trouble with the police.be 他惹上警察的麻烦了。I was always getting into trouble at school.beget我在学校总是惹麻烦。5[uncountable] time and effort that is needed to do something: It was a lovely meal. They’d obviously gone to a lot of trouble.bego这顿饭好极了﹐他们显然花了不少功夫。He’d taken the trouble to learn all our names.takename他费了一番功夫﹐记住了我们所有人的名字。Doing the course over the Internet saves you the trouble of attending classes.dosaveattendclass 在互联网上学习这个课程省去了上课的奔波。6[uncountable and countable] a situation in which people fight or argue with each other: crowd trouble群众闹事cause/make troubleEnglish fans have a reputation for causing trouble.fancause 英国球迷爱闹事是出了名的。7[uncountable] problems with part of your body or part of a machine: heart trouble心脏疾病engine trouble发动机故障COLLOCATIONS: troubleverbsto have troubleShe’s been having a lot of trouble with her boyfriend.behaveto have no troubleWe had no trouble selling our house.havesellto cause troubleA small electrical fault was causing the trouble.becauseto give somebody troubleNone of my kids ever gave me any trouble.kidgiveto be asking for trouble (=to be likely to cause trouble)Leaving your car unlocked is asking for trouble.leaveunlockbeaskto mean/spell trouble (=mean there will be trouble)The economic situation means trouble for small businesses.meanbusinessadjectivesgreat/serious/terrible troubleHugh was having great trouble understanding her.behaveunderstandI have terrible trouble remembering people’s names.remembernameendless trouble (=a lot of trouble)This new computer has given me endless trouble.havegive




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