

单词 try
释义 trytriestriedtryingtrytry1 /traɪ/ verb (past tense and past participle tried, present participle trying, third person singular tries)1[intransitive and transitive] to attempt to do somethingtry to do somethingI’m trying to find out what happened.tryhappen 我在设法查明发生了什么事。try and do somethingTry and take some exercise each day. 尽量每天做些锻炼。I tried hard not to smile.try 我极力忍住不笑。2[transitive] to do, use, or taste something in order to find out if you like it or it is good: You must try some of this cake!你一定要尝一点这蛋糕!try doing somethingTry walking to work instead of driving.walkdrive 试试步行去上班﹐不要开车。3[transitive] to examine facts in a law court in order to decide if someone is guilty ➔ trialtry somebody for somethingThree men were tried for murder.manbetry三名男子因谋杀罪接受审判。Phrasestry your hand at something to try a new activity: He was keen to try his hand at painting.bepaint 他很想尝试画画。Phrasal verbstry something ↔ on phrasal verb to put on a piece of clothing to find out if it fits or if you like it: Can I try these jeans on, please?请问我能试穿一下这条牛仔裤吗?try something ↔ out phrasal verb to test something to find out if it is effective or works properly: I want to try out my new camera.我想试试我的新相机。THESAURUS: trytry to attempt to do something: I’ve tried to call her several times today.trytimeattempt to try to do something, especially something difficult or dangerous. Attempt is more formal than try: They are attempting to negotiate an agreement.beattemptmake an effort to do something to try to do something that you find difficult or do not really want to do: I made an effort to sound interested in what he was saying.makeinterestbesayI’m sure you can pass the test if you make an effort.do your best to try as hard as you can to do something: I’ll do my best to finish it by Friday.wellhave a go British English (also have a try) informal to try to do something when you are not sure that you will succeed: ‘I can’t get this lid off.’ ‘Let me have a go.’I’d love to have a try at skiing.skisee if I/you can do something spoken to try to do something – used when offering to do something, or suggesting that someone should do something: I’ll see if I can get you a ticket.See if you can make him change his mind.




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