单词 | turn |
释义 | turnturnsturnedturningturnturn1 /tɜːn $ tɜːrn/ verb1move your body [intransitive and transitive] to move your body so that you are looking in a different direction: Ricky turned and walked away.turnwalk 里基转身走了。Ida turned her head slowly.turn 艾达慢慢地转过头来。turn around/round/awayHe turned around to look at Kim.turn 他转过身看着金。turn to/towardsAlison turned towards us.turn 艾莉森转过身面对着我们。2move something [transitive] to move something so that it is facing in a new direction: Turn the plant so it’s facing the sun.face 把植物转个方向﹐让它朝着太阳。turn something around/over/upside down etcYou may turn over your exam papers.paper 你们可以翻开考卷了。3go in a different direction [intransitive and transitive] to start going in a new direction, or to make the vehicle you are using do this: The car turned a corner.turn汽车拐过一个街角。turn left/rightTurn right at the next stop light.在下一个红绿灯向右拐。turn into/onto/down etcWe turned onto a bumpy road.turn 我们拐弯开上了一条高低不平的路。4move around [intransitive and transitive] to move around, or to make something move in this way: The wheels turned slowly.wheelturn轮子缓缓转动。turn a handle/knob/key/tap etcShe gently turned the handle of the door.turn 她轻轻转动门把手。5become [linking verb, transitive] to become different, or to make something become different: Helen turned bright red.turn 海伦脸涨得通红。The weather will turn colder tonight.cold 今晚天气要转冷。Police are worried that the situation could turn violent.beworrycan警方担心局势可能会演变成暴力性质。turn (something) into/to somethingHis disappointment turned to joy.turn 他由失望转为喜悦。Hollywood discovered her and turned her into a star.discoverturn 好莱坞发现了她﹐把她变成了明星。THESAURUS become6age [transitive] to become a particular age: She’s just turned 40.turn她刚满 40 岁。 7time [transitive] British English to reach and pass a particular time: ‘What time is it?’ ‘It’s just turned 3.00.’beturn“几点了?”“刚到 3 点。”8page [transitive] to move a page in a book or magazine so that you can see the next one9attention/thoughts [intransitive and transitive] if your thoughts, attention etc turn to something, you direct your attention to that thing instead of what you were thinking about or doing beforeturn your attention/thoughts/efforts etc to somethingBrian looked up, then turned his attention back to the book he was reading.lookturnberead 布赖恩抬头看了看﹐然后继续埋头看他的书。turn to/towardsAs usual, the conversation turned to her children.turnchild 同往常一样﹐谈话内容又转到了她的孩子身上。Phrasesturn your back on somebody/something to refuse to help or be involved with someone or something: She turned her back on all her old friends.turnfriend她和所有老朋友都不来往。THESAURUS: turn (sense 4)sense 4turn to move around: The wheels of the train began to turn.wheelbeginThe handle began to turn.begingo around (also go round British English) to move in a continuous circular movement: I watched the hands on the clock go slowly round until it was nearly 10 o’clock.watchhandberevolve/rotate to move around continuously – used especially in technical contexts: The Earth rotates around the Sun.rotatespin to turn around many times very quickly: She was spinning round and round on the ice.bespinwhirl to turn around extremely quickly, often in a powerful or uncontrolled way: The blades of the helicopter whirled overhead.bladewhirlPhrasal verbsturn (somebody) against somebody/something phrasal verb to stop liking or agreeing with someone or something, or to make someone do this: Many people had turned against the war.haveturn 许多人都反对这场战争。turn something ↔ around (also turn something ↔ round British English) phrasal verb to make a company, business etc become successful again: Gibson believes he can turn the struggling company around quickly.believestruggle 吉布森相信他能迅速扭转这家公司挣扎求存的局面。turn somebody ↔ away phrasal verb1to not allow someone to enter a place: Hundreds of fans were turned away at the door.hundredfanbeturn数百名仰慕者被拒之门外。2to refuse to help someone: Anyone who comes to us will not be turned away.cometurn 不管谁来找我们﹐都不会遭到拒绝。turn back phrasal verb to go back in the direction you came from, or to make someone do this: It’s getting late – maybe we should turn back.getshall 不早了﹐也许我们该往回走了。turn somebody ↔ backJournalists are being turned back at the border.journalistbebeturn记者们在边境被挡了回来。turn somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb1to make a machine produce less sound, heat etc, using its controls OPP turn up: Can you turn the radio down? I’m trying to work.try你能把收音机的音量关小些吗? 我想工作呢。 2to say no when someone offers you something: She was offered a job there, but she turned it down.beofferturn她有一个去那里工作的机会﹐但她拒绝了。THESAURUS refuseturn in phrasal verb1turn somebody ↔ in to tell the police where a person who is believed to be a criminal is: Morris finally agreed to turn himself in.agree莫里斯最终同意自首。2informal to go to bed3turn something ↔ in American English to give a piece of work you have done to a teacher, your employer etc: Has everyone turned in last night’s homework?haveturn昨晚的家庭作业大家都交了吗?turn off phrasal verb1turn something ↔ off to make a light or piece of equipment stop working, or make a supply of water, gas etc stop flowing, by moving a switch, tap etc OPP turn on: She turned off the computer and went to bed.turngo她关掉电脑﹐上床睡觉去了。2turn off (something) to leave the road you are travelling on and start travelling on a different road: Turn off at the next light. 在下一个红绿灯拐出去。turn on phrasal verb1turn something ↔ on to make a light or piece of equipment start working, or make a supply of water, gas etc start flowing, by moving a switch, tap etc OPP turn off: Could you turn on the TV?can你把电视机打开好吗?He turned on the tap and washed the mugs.turnwashmug 他打开水龙头洗大杯子。2turn on somebody to criticize or physically attack someone suddenly: All of a sudden, the dog turned on him and bit him.turnbite 突然﹐那狗扑上去咬了他。turn out phrasal verb1to happen in a particular way or to be found to be something: Joanna wished things had turned out differently.wishthinghaveturn乔安娜真希望情况最终不是那样。turn out well/badly/fine etcI’m confident things will turn out all right in the end.thing 我肯定情况最终会好起来的。turn out to be somethingThe car turned out to be more expensive than we thought.turnthink原来这车比我们想的要贵。2turn something ↔ out to make a light stop working by pressing a button, pulling a string etc OPP turn on: Don’t forget to turn out the lights when you leave.light离开时别忘了把灯关掉。3if people turn out for something, they go to watch it or be involved in it ➔ turnoutturn out forOnly about 30 people turned out for the show.turn只有 30 人左右去看了表演。turn over phrasal verb1turn somebody over to somebody to take someone who is believed to be a criminal to the police or another official organization: Benson was turned over to the FBI yesterday.beturn本森昨天被送交联邦调查局。2turn something over to somebody to give someone the right to own or be responsible for something: He’ll turn the shop over to his son when he retires.retire他退休后要把店交给儿子经营。3British English to change to a different channel on your televisionturn to somebody/something phrasal verb1to ask someone for help or sympathyturn to somebody/something forHe still turns to us for advice.turn他仍然找我们求教。2to look at a particular page in a book, magazine etc: Turn to page 45 in your history book.把历史书翻到第 45 页。 3to start to do or use something new, especially as a way of solving a problem: Many consumers are turning to the Internet for their shopping needs.consumerbeturnshopneed 许多消费者开始通过互联网来满足购物需求。turn to drugs/crime/drink etcBored teenagers are more likely to turn to crime.boreteenagerbe 青少年感到无聊会更容易走上犯罪道路。turn up phrasal verb1turn something ↔ up to make a machine produce more sound, heat etc, using its controls OPP turn down: If you’re cold, I can turn the heat up. 你要是冷﹐我可以把温度调高些。 2if something turns up after you have been looking for it, you suddenly find it: Eventually my watch turned up in a coat pocket.turn最终我的手表在一件外套的口袋里找到了。3to arriveturn up late/early/on time etcDanny turned up late as usual.turn丹尼照例又来晚了。THESAURUS arrive |
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