

单词 boss
释义 bossbossesbossboss1 /bɒs $ bɒːs/ noun [countable]1the person who employs you or who is in charge of you at work: She asked her boss for the day off.ask 她向老板请了一天假。We’ve got a new boss at work.get 我们公司换了个新老板。I like being my own boss (=working for myself, not an employer).be我喜欢自己当老板。2the person who controls a relationship or situation: You have to show a dog that you’re the boss. 你得让狗知道一切得听你的。THESAURUS: bossboss the person who employs you, or the person who is in charge of you at work. Boss sounds rather informal. In more formal situations you use manager: I didn’t want to get into trouble with my boss.manager the person in charge of a business such as a shop, bank, or hotel, or of part of a business: I’d like to speak to the hotel manager.the sales managersalehead the person who is in charge of an organization, or a department in an organization: He’s the head of the CIA.the head of the French department at schoolpresident especially American English the person who is in charge of a large company, or a department in a company: the president of Warner Brosbrothe president of publicitymanaging director British English the person who is in charge of the way a company or organization is managed: He’s the managing director of PC World.manageline manager the person above you in your company, who is in charge of your work: If you have any problems, talk to your line manager.problem




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