

单词 both
释义 bothbothboth /bəʊθ $ boʊθ/ determiner, pronoun1used to talk about two people or things together ➔ either, neither: Anne and John are both scientists.bescientist 安妮和约翰都是科学家。They can both speak Spanish. 他们俩都会说西班牙语。Hold it in both hands.hand 用两只手捧住它。She loved both her parents.loveparent 父亲和母亲她都爱。both ofBoth of his sisters are blonde.sisterbe 他的两个姐姐都是金发的。We could go bowling, or dancing, or both.canbowldance 我们可以去打保龄球或跳舞﹐或者两个都去。2both ... and ... used to emphasize that something is true not only of one thing or person but also of another: a game enjoyed by both adults and childrenenjoyadultchild成人和儿童都喜欢的一个游戏UsageDo not say ‘the both’. For example, do not say ‘The both men were killed’. SayBoth men were killed.manbekill or Both the men were killed.manbekill or Both of the men were killed.manbekill(那两个人都被杀了。)Do not say ‘his/her both’. For example, do not say ‘his both sisters’. Say both of his sisterssister or both his sisters.sister(他的两个姐妹)




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