

单词 wash
释义 washwasheswashedwashingwashwash1 /wɒʃ $ wɒːʃ, wɑːʃ/ verb1[transitive] to clean something with soap and water: He spent the morning washing the car.spendwash 他花了一个上午洗车。These jeans need to be washed.wash 这条牛仔裤该洗了。wash something in somethingI had to wash my hair in cold water.have我只得用冷水洗头。2[intransitive and transitive] to clean your body with soap and water: You didn’t wash this morning!你今天早上没洗脸!Go upstairs and wash your hands.hand上楼洗手去。I got washed and went to bed.getwashgo我洗过澡就去睡觉了。3[transitive] if water washes somewhere, it flows therewash againstThe waves washed softly against the shore.wavewash波浪轻轻拍打着海岸。4[transitive] if something is washed somewhere, the sea or a river carries it therewash something out/into etcThe body was washed out to sea.bewash尸体被冲进了大海。Phraseswash your hands of something/somebody to refuse to be responsible for something or someone: His parents have washed their hands of him.parentwashhand他父母对他撒手不管了。Phrasal verbswash something ↔ away phrasal verb if water washes something away, it carries it awaywash something ↔ down phrasal verb to drink something with food or medicine: a big plate of pasta washed down with red winewash一边吃一大盘面食﹐一边喝红葡萄酒wash off phrasal verb1if something washes off, you can remove it from the surface of something by washing it: Don’t worry, the mud will wash off.别担心﹐泥能洗掉。2wash something ↔ off to clean dirt or dust from the surface of something by washing itwash out phrasal verb1if a substance washes out, you can remove it from a material by washing it2wash something ↔ out to wash the inside of something: Wash the bowl out with warm water.用温水把碗洗干净。wash up phrasal verb1British English to wash the plates, dishes etc after a meal: Will you help me wash up?你帮我洗碗碟好吗?wash something ↔ upIt took ages to wash up all the pots.takeagepot把所有的锅刷干净需要很长时间。2American English to wash your hands: Go wash up for supper.去洗手来吃晚饭。3wash something ↔ up if waves wash something up, they carry it to the shore: His body was washed up on the beach.bewash他的尸体被冲到了海滩上。THESAURUS: washwash to clean something with soap and water: Can you wash the sheets?sheetI washed my face.washdo the washing British English, do the laundry American English to wash clothes that need to be washed: I’ve cleaned the house and done the washing.cleandowashDid you do the laundry this morning?dodo the dishes (also wash up/do the washing-up British English) to wash all the cups, plates, knives etc that you have used during a meal: It’s your turn to do the dishes.dishYou cook and I’ll do the washing-up.washrinse to wash something in water in order to remove soap or dirt: Shampoo your hair and rinse it well.Rinse the tomatoes and chop them in half.tomato




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