

单词 weapon
释义 weaponweaponsweaponweapon /ˈwepən/ noun [countable]1something that is used to attack people or to fight against people: They were armed with knives and other weapons.bearmknifeweapon 他们随身带着刀和其他武器。2something that you can use in order to achieve your aim: The cameras are another weapon in the fight against car crime.camerabe摄像机是打击汽车犯罪的另一武器。COLLOCATIONS: weapontypes of weaponnuclear/conventional weaponsThey signed a treaty on nuclear and conventional weapons.signweaponchemical/biological weaponsThey were accused of using chemical weapons.beaccuseuseweaponweapons of mass destruction (=very powerful nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons)They must not be allowed to develop weapons of mass destruction.allowweaponan offensive weapon law (=one that can be used to attack someone)He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon.bechargecarrya lethal weapon (=one that can kill)A knife is a lethal weapon.bethe murder weapon (=the weapon used to kill someone)Police are still searching for the murder weapon.besearchverbsto carry a weaponToo many young people carry weapons.weaponto use a weaponThe crime is more serious if the attacker used a weapon.beuseto fire a weaponThey fired their weapons into the air.fireweapon




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