

单词 well
释义 wellwellwell3 spoken1used to pause before saying something, or to emphasize what you are about to say: Well, let’s see now, I could meet you on Thursday.can 嗯﹐让我想一想﹐我可以在星期四见你。‘James doesn’t want to come to the cinema with us.’ ‘Well then, let’s go on our own.’“詹姆斯不想和我们一起去看电影。”“那好﹐我们自己去吧。”2 (also oh ˈwell) used to say that you accept a situation, even though it is not a very good one: Oh well, at least you did your best.littledowell算了﹐至少你已经尽力了。3 (also ˌwell, ˈwell) used when you are surprised about something: ‘She’s just got a job with CNN.’ ‘Well, well.’get“她刚得到了一份(美国)有线电视新闻网的工作。”“哎哟。”4used when you want to start telling someone more about someone or something that you have just mentioned: You know that guy I was telling you about? Well, he’s been arrested!betellbearrest你知道我告诉你的那个家伙吗? 对了﹐他被抓起来了!5well? used to ask someone to reply to you or tell you what has happened: Well? What did he say?do嗯?他说了什么?




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